I've needed a couple of days to 'sit' with the results of the election and now the firing of Jeff Sessions, the revoking of Acosta's press pass and the various ugliness that exists and seems to flourish unabated in this divisive political climate.
I felt a bit depressed in the early a.m. hours Wed and especially so in looking over the elections results in my home state of Ohio.
I look at the road ahead of us and the vast distance we have to travail to get to some point of sanity, of decency, to reach a point where we can progress and move forward and address the many issues in this country and not uselessly expend our energies on dealing with the circus, and the hatred, bigotry, sexism and yes, even fascism that seems to be the new status quo.
But this morning I am turning away from all of those troubling challenges and instead am focusing on Lauren Underwood.
Who is Lauren Underwood? I am sure my Illinois resident friends are aware of her as are those who have looked for the significant stories and huge victories that are floating adrift in the Sea of Disappointment.
Lauren Underwood won her race....a licensed nurse in her state upset over the turning tide in this country took on a firmly entrenched Rep. candidate and won.
Lauren represents the Sea of Change in this country. There are other stories like hers and we are making inroads and the message is clear: Hatred and Fear are powerful emotions, but they are not, and should not be, good strategies for leadership.
Many millions of people voted for change, voted for hope, voted for positive leadership.
If you have a minute, read a bit about Lauren and let's celebrate her victory.
Sue, finding the positive, in Ohio
Note: originally written 14 Nov 2018, but not published until 30 Jan 2019.